Special issue : Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering & Applied Sciences


Special Issue

Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace (MESA)

Theme/Topic: Nonlinear Analysis in Engineering & Applied Sciences

Aim & Scope

The special issue aims to publish high-quality research articles on topics of nonlinear analysis having significant relevance and applications in engineering and applied sciences. It aims to bring forward new tools and techniques from the field of nonlinear analysis that have significant impact on developing solution methods and techniques to problems in engineering and applied sciences. It aims to cover topics in the areas of ordinary and partial differential equations, difference equations, integral equations, functional analytical methods, variational methods, numerical methods, computational methods, soft computing methods, stability theory, wave propagation, heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, fractional calculus, dynamical systems and related topics. The readers can expect to discover several new and significant topics of nonlinear analysis useful to solve problems in engineering and applied sciences. The issue should also help graduate students, Ph.D. students, researchers, and teachers in learning new theories, methods and applications of nonlinear analysis useful for understanding and solving problems in engineering and applied sciences.


The proposed key dates are the following:

Deadline of submission: February 29, 2020
1st round of review – comments to authors: May 31, 2020
Revision deadline: June 30, 2020
Submission of the final version: July 31, 2020

Guest Editor

Dr. Hemen Dutta

Department of Mathematics,

Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, India

E-mails: hemen_dutta08@rediffmail.com, duttah@gauhati.ac.in