Guidance and motion control of a space robot when inspecting the state of an information satellite


  • Sergey Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Nikolay Rodnishchev Tupolev Kazan National Research Technical University -- KAI, \ Kazan \ 420111 \ Russia
  • Tatyana Somova Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Yevgeny Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia


The paper deals with the problems of guidance and motion control of a space robot during approach and  visual checking the state  of an information spacecraft, namely a geostationary communications satellite. Original methods are proposed for predicting the influence of gravitational disturbances, as well as solar pressure forces in the synthesis of the robot's guidance and motion control laws.  The developed methods and algorithms for a space robot control are based on the local optimizing the fuel consumption of the plasma electric propulsion unit.  Simulation results on developed algorithms are presented that demonstrate their effectiveness.

