Methods and software for automated research and design\\ of spacecraft attitude and orbit control systems


  • Yevgeny Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia
  • Gennady Oparin Matrosov Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB of RAS, \ Irkutsk \ 664033 \ Russia
  • Sergey Somov Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS, \ Samara \ 443001 \ Russia \\ \ Samara State Technical University, \ Samara \ 443100 \ Russia


The methods and results of software development for automated research and design of spacecraft motion control systems -- modeling, synthesis of control laws, nonlinear analysis, computer simulation and graphical display of dynamic processes are briefly presented. Simulation results on guidance and control algorithms are presented that demonstrate their effectiveness.

